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“Everything you can imagine is real" - Pablo Picasso

By this memo, Elizabeth lives in her personal and professional life. Open mind thinking and wild imagination encourage her to use and merge in her works all types of material ; Ceramics, Glass, Metal, and Wood.

All art pieces are designed and fully handmade by Elizabeth Nenarokov. Her work begins with colorful, free, and emotional manner acrylic sketches that more look like street artworks, painted on old carton boxes instead of street walls, that are later transformed by Elizabeth and build into 3D ceramic sculptures, that become alive, powerful, outstanding individuals as soon as they are taken out of a 1200 degree kiln and installed on interior walls.


Every sculpture is hand made and the process of hand-building and sculpting is complicated, detailed, it takes a lot of time, strength, and attentiveness.  Clay likes to be kept moisten and ductile and after carefully dried in a warm, dehydrated, and unwind place.   

The Magic of Ceramics is hidden in its hot, burning, fire heart - the kiln. The Kiln itself is an individual living organism with its own moods and changing temper, which could never be predicted and presumed on. And every time the art piece goes into the kiln, the long 12 hours anticipation and expectation journey begins – and never stopping question “what would you see when you finally open the kiln?”  - follows the artist around all those long hours….. When finally the temperature drops down to 100 degrees,  the kiln is opened and the artist meets a moment of truth  - sometimes it could exceed your expectations and unbelievable colors and textures appear even better than anyone could have imagined, however occasionally the artist's heart can break and melt in million small pieces, the same small pieces in which long-awaited work exploded in to while the firing. But these are the chances Elizabeth is willing to take every time, in order to reach perfection in her creations.

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“ I always thought that metal is a cold and not flexible material, oh god how wrong was I.  After a few weeks working with metal and exploring its properties – I with confidence and sparkling eyes can say that its one of the most warm, plastic, flexible, strong material I have worked with and it ideally complements ceramics.”

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